I have pretty much finished the list of equipment I think we will need for the media team there in Kenya. It ended up totaling almost $20,000! I have gone through it and weighed in my mind how important is each thing on the list, and whether or not we could reasonably get along without it, and I think that it’s about the least we can do with. So now I’m trying to coordinate with Gary and see what we can do to get this equipment.
I am looking at tickets to Kenya, and pricing them out. I should also go to Cameroon when the work is done getting the team in Kenya started. I want to do some documentary on our projects there… Then I also am checking tickets to Bangkok from Cameroon. I have done a lot of searching and found the best prices I can. Also I called a travel agent who found pretty much the same prices and is able to book the flights for me. It’s cheaper to get the tickets all together as a package than separately meaning that I have to pay for it all at once. The total is $3200 based on current prices including a flight back to the US. I don’t have this kind of money, but I know Someone who does! Another option is that I can buy a one way ticket to Kenya ( I have money enough for that) and I can help get the TV station up and going, and then see what God does… I am praying that God will make his will plain… Please join me in this prayer, as God has to be the one to open the door now. I’ve done everything I can do up till this point, so I’m leaving the rest up to Him. I know that he will work out His will, and if he wants me to take this plan that he will provide the means.
If God moves on your heart to help in this project either for the equipment or for my tickets, or for expenses while I’m there, Please contact us. If you would like to donate for the equipment needs in Africa, then please go to the website for Gospel Ministries International, www.gospelministry.org or call our office at (423) 473-1841. Please mark it for Africa Medical Aviation, Kenya. It’s our only project in Kenya at present so it will go for the media needs there.
If you would like to help with my ticket or with expenses while I’m there, please contact Jesus for Asia at http://www.jesus4asia.org/wp/?page_id=13, mark it for Daniel Hill’s Missionary Fund.
God Bless you all,