18. November 2011 · Comments Off on God’s timing… · Categories: 2011, Updates

Just when you think you know how things are going to work out… Yeah it changes! But part of being a missionary is learning to be flexible and patient in everything just like Jesus was. It’s sometimes something that I have difficulty with!

Here’s the details: I have been moving ahead and assuming that we can get the equipment to Kenya by the time I get there. The last few days I’ve been realizing I really shouldn’t get tickets before I know whether or not the equipment will be there in time or not… And this morning Uncle David asked me if I was able to go to GYC! So after trying to get a hold of Gary several times we finally heard back from him with details regarding the ferry company. He said that the equipment probably wouldn’t make it to Kenya by the 7th, so it was fine for me to go to GYC, and then come in January. So as much as I hate to see it get postponed again, God is allowing it to move on ahead of me. Sometimes this just drives me nuts, but then I have to wait on the Lord and trust Him that He knows what He is doing.

As a side note, I know a number of you have been donating toward my travel expenses and I just want to thank you. Information for donating is now on the “Donate” page on the menu bar at the top of this page. Please keep praying for this trip as well, please pray that God will keep guiding this trip and that He will go ahead of me and prepare the way. Please pray also for the workers and those that will be involved in this project.

15. November 2011 · Comments Off on Praying · Categories: 2011, Updates

Well yesterday I was able to get everything together that I needed to apply for a visa for Cameroon. It cost $225 as I’m applying through a courier service because of time. Would you believe it? I received $225 in donations through Jesus for Asia yesterday! God is faithful!

I’m still praying however for the funds for my ticket. I have about $1200 in my account so far, but the ticket is going to be about $2600. So please pray with me, and if God impressed you to help, I gave info at the end of the last post about how you can do so. I need to leave before Dec 7 because the tickets rise dramatically after that for the holidays. I’m looking at leaving right at the end of Nov or so… Please pray that God will work this all out in accordance with his will.

God Bless

It’s hard to believe that it’s already been two weeks since I began ordering equipment for the media team in Kenya. In that time equipment has been ordered from a number of places, and most of it has arrived already! Now comes the job of setting it up to make sure it works as expected, without glitches. And that’s not the only thing I have to worry about! I need to get a visa for Cameroon as I plan to fly there when I’m finished in Kenya. I just got a paper that I needed for that, so I will be getting the application in tomorrow Lord willing. And of course I need to get plane tickets for the trip as well. Sometimes it’s hard to see these falling in place in time for me to leave in the next few weeks! But I’ve seen that before, and God is faithful.

I’m planning at this point to fly out sometime around the end of the month and spend one to two months in Kenya to help the team get started, and perhaps some other traveling with Gary. In January or so, then I plan to fly to Cameroon and spend three months or so there before returning to the US. It looks like the tickets will be flexible so if something turns up I should be able to change them without too much trouble. I pray that FaithCamp can happen in Tanzania, but at this point we’re not sure if it’s going to actually happen or not… I also wanted to go to Thailand, but I’m not sure that that will work out either. But I don’t think it’s a good idea to buy all the tickets at the same time anyway, so it’s good to have the flexibility. So things may change at the end of this trip, but at this point I’m going to move forward with the initial travels and tickets. Please pray that God will provide as there is still needs for funds. The tickets that I need to get for the trip that I am currently planning cost about $2600. And I know there will be some personal expenses more than just the plane ticket. So if you feel that God wants to use you to help out toward this, you can go to the website — Jesus for Asia, and donate there online, or by mail or phone. I know that a number of you have already donated for my travels in this project, and I just want to give you a heartfelt thank you.
I will continue to post updates as often as I can. If you would like to get email updates whenever I post, and read the updates before they are old news, then please feel free to go to the Mailing List page up at the top menu and enter your email address. God Bless

I am happy I can finally say that things are moving forward. Gary has sourced some money from somewhere that we will be using to buy equipment, although it is borrowed in some form or another. So we are still praying that God will provide the funds necessary to pay back the source.

This week I am working hard reviewing all the equipment list, finalizing stuff, and then ordering. I am double checking everything, and looking for current prices etc. It’s a lot of work and I’ve had a couple of setbacks, but I think we’ll be ready to order sometime this week. So then it’s a matter of getting all the equipment here and putting it together to make sure everything works as expected. Then get it off to be shipped to Kenya.

I still need to price and get tickets… I don’t know how much the current prices are yet as I haven’t had time to price them out. And I know there will be expenses for visas, and other things during the time that I’ll be there. But I know that God will provide. I don’t need to worry as God is definitely opening the door and I know He doesn’t change his mind.

Please pray for this project and that God will continue to open the way.

God’s timing is not always our timing. I wish I could say that I have my tickets and know when I’m going. But such is not the case.
I have put together the list of the equipment that we need, and at the moment I’m waiting to hear from Gary with regards to actually making the purchases. When we get the equipment then I can arrange for getting it to the ferry company, and getting my plane tickets. I hope it can happen soon… But I have to wait on God’s timing, not my own.

David Gates and Jon Wood spent the last month or so in Asia, doing several FaithCamps. FaithCamps are really taking off in Asia. At ASI in Korea a individual from Africa asked Uncle David to come to Tanzania to speak for FaithCamp there, a request that Uncle David said yes to. This will be the first FaithCamp in Africa! I believe it will be sometime in April of next year. This is something that I don’t want to miss, and I hope that our media team in Kenya will be ready to record the messages.

I’m praying that I can still go to Thailand and do some video work there with the Karen, but I’m not sure whether God is going to open that door… I pray so, and I sure hope so, but God’s will is ultimately what I want. Please pray that His will will be made plain.

Please pray for me as I plan, and seek God’s will. Please also pray for the finances for this equipment that is needed for the media center in Kenya, that God will provide. Please pray for those who will make up our team there, that God will prepare them for this work, and that He will hand select them.

Sorry this isn’t too much new news, but I wanted to at least give you an update of what I know.
