“Well this is where I’m supposed to leave you to catch the bus”. Â Tim brought me to town to take the bus to Bangkok.
I have grown to love Cambodia, the people are so friendly. I’ve been here for only two weeks, and already I don’t want to leave. But other work calls. During this 2 month long trip we visited several places in Asia, and nearly each place stole my heart as I saw the need for people and funds to do missionary work.
We had an opportunity where we could have shared a book with a Thai man but there was nothing in Thai and he couldn’t read English. None of SOP being printed in Thai. If only books like Steps to Christ (which has been translated into Thai) could be printed in Thai they would find their way into the hands of willing Thai readers who otherwise might never have any other opportunity. But the Mission Printing Press has been closed because of unsufficient funds.
In India where JFA funds are already falling short of the amounts needed the Conference is requesting more JFA Bible workers. Then Thomas who is one of the Bible workers, was asking us to start several more evening schools. Then there’s the SDA church in a town of 60,000. The outlying villages have churches, but this central body of believers still has no church building. For 6 years they have been worshiping in a rented facility. However if the facility is needed for a wedding or some other event, then that takes priority and our members are essentially kicked out. The area also has no SDA school, so the children have to go to the public schools in the area which require them to attend on Sabbath, and are also more expensive. A piece of property has been located on which to build a school and church building, at a total cost including buildings of less than $100,000 but the funds are not available to even buy the property.
Our media center in Kenya is also facing severe financial constraints, and would be able to advance much more quickly if the funds were available.
I believe there will be a time before the end of time where God will make available unlimited resources with which to finish His work with great speed.
“Lord, for the sake of those souls with no opportunity please provide funds for your work to go forward and be accomplished”. The uncultivated green fields blur by outside the window as I plead. The response hits me like a brick wall.
“People aren’t ready.”
My eyes fill with tears. I know it’s true. Funds alone are completely incapable of fixing the problem. In fact they would just make a bigger problem if provided when God’s people aren’t ready.
What will it take for us as God’s people to be ready? What will it take so that we will be in a situation where God can entrust us with the resources and tools to start his work where it hasn’t begun, and to finish it? Are we going to wait for persecution?