12. November 2013 · Comments Off on Haiyan · Categories: 2013, Posted Videos

Record breaking winds. Inestimable damage… Debris strewn everywhere.

Boyz Jamandre summed it up well on the MissionTV LIVE last night. He said: “We have to get our minds focused that these are opportunities for us to reach these people.”

This video is a report from HCBN in the Philippines.

09. November 2013 · Comments Off on Would you recommend? · Categories: 2013, Posted Videos

Here are some answers from former Student Missionaries at Southern Adventist University. They gave lot of good advice…

30. October 2013 · Comments Off on Faith · Categories: 2013, Updates

It’s again time to exercise my faith muscles more… I’ve been requested back in Kenya. Traveling is always a faith experience. It’s always step by step, seeing God open the way. It doesn’t open further than necessary. God always opens the doors at the last possible moment to increase our faith.

If we don’t move forward because there’s financial obstacles in the way, then we may never move forward. The obstacles only get bigger! If we don’t move then they actually tend to increase! When God says go it’s time to go, not a moment later. A moment later may be too late.

I just want to take the chance to say thank you to all of you who have supported me in my travels over the last few years with your prayers and finances. If you haven’t and you’d like to know how, check out the Support page.

Let’s remember that God always wants to lead up upward and yet upward in the way to heaven. If you remember Sister White’s dream, you’ll remember those thin green cords that they found. As they made their way up the narrow path, they became more and more dependent on those cords to keep from falling over the precipice. When they reached the end of the path, they had to put their entire weight on those cords which had grown large, and swing across the valley.

Let’s make sure our faith is firmly attached to God! Let’s take every opportunity now to help our faith in Him grow! When we reach the end of the path and this world is at it’s end, let’s make sure that our faith has grown large enough to support our leap across the valley of this world into eternity!

29. October 2013 · Comments Off on A Vision · Categories: 2013, Mission Reports

As I watch our guest in the multiple feed view in the monitor, an idea solidifies. Tim in working in Cambodia. He’s a missionary there. He started a school, orphanage, a studio and even a church there. Today he’s connecting with us on the MissionTV LIVE show through Skype. All the way from Siem Reap to Mcdonald, TN. The connection suffers several breakups, but God uses it to create in me a vision. It’s an idea that has been forming in my mind for several years now.

The real life connection through video from Cambodia to our studio is so amazing when I really stop to think about it. Anyone could do it. It’s simple. Yet there’s something about it, it’s just unusual. And exciting. Perhaps it’s just because this is the first time we’ve done it. But whatever it is, we need to do more of it.

In my mind’s eye, I can see it. A team of several people calling in from the real live mission field. Calling into the show, reporting on what they’ve been discovering about missions, about the need, about the multitudes of people who are completely destitute of any knowledge of God. They call into the LIVE show, and even make short video reports of their travels. Reports that show the need, that show the hardship, that show the real life of a missionary, etc, etc. The possibilities are endless. The impact of such a project, inestimable! Whether calling by Skype on an iPad, or by a reliable satellite link, the real life aspect of it could draw many to the reality of overseas missions. The reality that we aren’t finished. God’s reality.

There’s a rule that we live by here at MissionTV. If someone has an idea they get to be the ones to do it! Often it’s more of a joke than a rule. But this time I believe it’s an idea that needs to be implemented. It fits right in with the mission of MissionTV. It is be a tool to help involve more people in reaching out and going to reach those who still have no knowledge.

If there’s one thing that I’ve learned over and over in my life, it’s that you can’t wait until you have all the resources to begin doing something God asks you to do. If God give you an idea, you an idea you have to move forward and do everything in your power to make it happen, and to do it, even if it’s just on a small scale. You’re using what you have to do as much as you can. That’s wise management of resources, as long as God is the one leading.

But even though I move ahead and do something like this, I’m only one person, which is a tremendous limitation! Would you join me in prayer that God would form a team of capable people qualified with the vision? And not just for a mobile team, but also here at the MissionTV headquarters? Both need human and financial resources. God knows how to provide both. Let’s pray that He will do so in the way He sees best.

Such an inspiration! She left everything, her life at home, college, and a prosperous future for one simple reason… She saw in the Bible God calling her to work for Him in a place where children were dying. She’s now 21, with 14 Ugandan orphans that call her Mommy!

What if there were more young people like her? What if we as young people really committed long term to fulfill our mission as Christians? God is waiting for us! He’s waiting for our complete surrender and absolute commitment!