“Its hard to do anything but wait, when there’s no other option!” I added. I was talking with Gary and Wendy at the lunch table. Earlier that Sunday Pastor K had come by so we could discuss some things regarding 2CBN. He was one of the 2CBN board members, but he hadn’t been able to come for our earlier board meetings because of his job at the Union Office. He was able to come on Sunday and so we had arranged for a meeting with all the board members that were able to come, which was going to be most of them. However, Pastor K was the only one that actually came! Here in Africa you can’t expect the same things as we do in the US! We discussed many things regarding 2CBN that we had already covered with the rest of the board members. We spoke of the volunteers that were interested in being a part of 2CBN. We had been made aware that video equipment in Kenya is a hot item and many Kenyans are dishonest, and that we needed to take precautions and keep an eye on the equipment so it didn’t grow legs and disappear! We realized the need for someone who was reliable and trustworthy who could help instill in the volunteers the values that are needed in true dedicated service to the cause of God.
“I think if we can get someone from another country such as the US who has these values and can come and direct the operation and watch the equipment… someone like Daniel who has the knowledge about media, this would be a good thing.” Pastor K also saw the importance for someone to come to oversea and direct the project. Gary responded, “Well if you can find a wife for him then he might come!” Needless to say, I was a bit surprised to hear him say this, although I had to admit to myself that in the past times I had gone overseas, I often found myself lonely and immersed in the culture. Now being immersed in a foreign culture isn’t bad by any means, but after a long time without seeing any fellow Americans that I could relate to, I would begin to wish there were other people from the West that I could relate to. Although if God led me to stay somewhere for a extended period of time, as a single person, and without other Western individuals to relate to, I would be willing to do it. But currently God had me working for MissionTV and I didn’t see Him leading anywhere else, except for short term projects like the one with 2CBN.
Gary went on to say how it would be a good place for a young couple who could live in a house with the volunteers and where the studio could be located as well. We had found such a house, and it had seemed to be a perfect opportunity, but when Gary and I had gone to see it the previous Friday we realized that it was right off the end of the runway of a nearby airport, where planes were always flying in. We realized that this presented some significant challenges of sound proofing, along with the possibility of doing lots of work, sound proofing and blocking up windows, and then still hearing the plane noise! Another factor was the amount of the room available for an actual studio space… It was not unworkable, but quite limiting. So we had started looking at other options. After considering some other options we knew that in the long term having a house where we could have a studio in part of it, and house volunteers in another part would be ideal because this way they wouldn’t have to worry about transport to and from work and having to deal every day with all the hassles of traffic jams! So this still being our long term plan Gary mentioned the possibility of having a couple to watch out for things at the studio keeping the project on track, and offering spiritual leading for the volunteers.
If this was God’s plan for me, then of course I was willing. But something was definitely missing! As many nice girls as I knew I still didn’t know which one God had for me. (still true!) I have seen some people wait until their mid 30s or till 40, but I was unwilling to wait that long… However I knew that I wasn’t qualified to choose for myself, God had to choose for me. And in this I had to be content to await God’s timing. Also God had given me a specific burden for documentary storytelling through video, showing the needs of the mission field, especially the unreached fields. If I were to settle down here in Kenya, then this would remain a dream for me, and it would remain undone here in Africa until someone else felt the burden and picked it up.
I thought of the time when I was talking with Gary about what the needs of Africa were. There were many projects in Africa ready to launch, but I didn’t know exactly what was holding them back. He said that he just needs the right people to come to be pilots, to be nurses, and media people. I realized that the need was huge. And of course coming to work in Africa is not without challenges, but I saw that there was a big need for the right people. People that God impressed to go were needed. Some had come, and had been more of a challenge than a help to the people who they were there to assist. I knew that we didn’t need just anyone who wanted to come for these projects across Africa, we needed the exact people that God wanted to use for the job. And yet I knew that time is short and so I prayed that these people would come soon.
I knew that even though I might get lonely when I went to the mission field, there was still work that had to be done. For me to avoid that work or to become focused in seeking to gratify my desires would be selfish. I knew that it didn’t matter how I felt, God still expected me to answer His calling, which was to seek and save those souls lost in the darkness and to inspire others to do the same. For now I decided I would make this my focus and even though I had wasted His time in the past, I would attempt to make best use of the time that He had given me to work alone.
I prayed that God would provide someone for this 2CBN project to direct the program who had proven himself honest, and who was more mature than I spiritually. Whether this person was to come from a foreign country or to be found here in Kenya, I prayed that God would make it clearly evident that it was His choice.