I’ll go where you want me to go, dear Lord
If you ever call me over there to serve
I’m plenty busy here at the home board
I doubt you need me over there with verve
If you need me to go, I am willing to go
But they say the work’s almost done anyhow
And I’d rather be at home than in Cairo
It seems so hard to work over there somehow
We have a real problem as a church
The command Jesus gave we explain away
Till we’re left with thinking the home perch
Is actually the place God wants us to stay
If we’d just raise our eyelids and look,
We would see opportunities before us
To go to and work these fallow grounds
For many places’re still unworked thus
If we were actually willing to go there
Instead of just doing Him lip-service
We’d see Him open huge doors in Zaire
If we would only take him at His word.
Daniel Hill, 2015