A friend of mine shared a poem with me in the comments of an earlier post, and I just want to share it with you all. We have a responsibility to our fellow humanity, a God given responsibility. Will we act? Will we go?

Quest  (In Search of the Messiah)

They came from the four corners of the earth
They came with empty hands and broken hearts
The multitudes yearning to be free
They came in search of the Messiah
They found you and me!

And I heard the Master say:
Therefore go
And heal the broken hearted
And feed the hungry
And bring the light into the world.

And bring peace where there is strife
Bring love where there is hate
Show mercy where there is injustice.

And be my witnesses
To show the love of the Father
That the world may know that He cares.

For I have chosen you
To bring hope where there is despair
And warmth where there is cold
And comfort where there is pain.

And change the face of the earth
For I will give you power
I will send you my Holy Spirit
And I will be with you till the end of time.

By Rita Daniel Westphal

1 Comment

  1. Norma Kennett


    I’m so glad you were able to access the message I sent last time. Praise God!! I pray that many hearts will melt as they read those words and be convicted while there is still time to”Go” and be God’s mouth, hands and feet and bring comfort to the lost and hurting back to the God of mercy and grace.

    Amen!! Now I’ll read your latest blog.
