“I can’t believe i’m still here! This is not what I was planning on” I think as I sit in a car in downtown Nairobi. The driver begins driving to pick up the Elder… I think back to when I first arrived in Kenya. I met Gary and we laid groundwork for the new TV channel here. I had counted on there being someone to manage the station. What a wrong assumption that had turned out to be! The vacuum created by the lack of such a person sucked me into it’s place nearly 5 months ago. For 5 months I work to advance 2CBN and to do production of the local content that we need. I heard there was someone coming to take my place, but then it got postponed. “If only he could come now…”

We arrive at the Elder’s office but we don’t see him. After going around the block we see him coming. He gets into the front seat and we go on our way to look at a piece of land we are considering for a studio. So much has been happening here. I’m overloaded in work since I first started. I’m in a position I have no experience with or training in. I have more to do than I’ve ever had to do before. When people are interested in coming to work with us, they come to me. If people want to record something, they come to ask me. And as if that weren’t enough, the on the ground management of 2CBN rests on my shoulders. Of course I have people to consult when things come up, but when it comes to actually dealing with them there is no one else to handle the matters on the ground level. I’ve been so busy with everything that I’ve not updated my website for I think 4 months or more. All those poor people out there that check my site for news, and find old news instead!

We stop and Elder gets out to take care of something. Ahhh… I can type again! The bumps on the roads make it hard to type sometimes. I think of the way God is opening doors for 2CBN. Things are beginning to happen! It’s so exciting to see that I wish I could share it openly. But the time will come when I can share God’s workings with the world. He’s not just working here, but other places around the world as well. If only I could go and do what I really came to Africa for! Before I left to come I got a camera along with a little other equipment to use for making videos of our projects in West Africa and of the need of laborers in this continent… But there’s been hardly any time to use it! “If only I could just do documentary work like I had planned when I came! I felt like I really had been getting a creative eye in video and design when I first came to Kenya. But since I haven’t been using it much I feel like I’m losing it. I hope I can regain it when I have a chance to do more video work with my camera.”

I look out the window as an ambulance drives by. I doubt that he has anyone as he’s not in a hurry. But then no one here in Kenya ever seems to be in a hurry! At least not the way that we are in the West. In some ways I realize that’s good, as it seems that Kenyans don’t get stressed about things as easily. But then too, sometimes it gets hard to get things done. I think of my situation and I think… “God doesn’t seem to be helping me leave here. If only He would hurry up!” But at the same time I ealize that God is in control and He doesn’t hurry because He’s always planning ahead. I hope that His plans will send me to do the video work that He gave me a burden for… And in the meantime that He will give me strength in the enormous work that He’s laid on me for now. “Lord, please send more laborers into the field… You know the need there is in these foreign fields. There is so much work for the workers that are working.”


  1. “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Galatians 6:9.

    Courage! God knows the needs in His harvest field.

    But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
    Philippians 4:19.

  2. Good Morning Daniel.
    I for one always look forward to your postings. Not so much for the news type stuff, but as this posting demonstrates how God is using you. It seems that the old statement that “best laid plans of mice and men…” etc., when it comes to the Lords work are not usually what He has planned. God continue to bless you in His work. “Even so come Lord Jesus.”

  3. Victor, Isabel, & Nicole Becerra

    Hi Daniel,

    After reading your recent post at church, we read the following quotes during Sabbath school at Floyd Matula’s church. We,would like to share these words of encouragement with you.

    “Gideon deeply felt his own insufficiency for the great work before him. . . .

    The Lord does not always choose for His work men of the greatest talents, but He selects those whom He can best use. Individuals who might do good service for God, may for a time be left in obscurity, apparently unnoticed and unemployed by their Master. But if they faithfully perform the duties of their humble position, cherishing a willingness to labor and to sacrifice for Him, He will in His own time intrust them with greater responsibilities.

    Before honor is humility. The Lord can use most effectually those who are most sensible of their own unworthiness and inefficiency. He will teach them to exercise the courage of faith. He will make them strong by uniting their weakness to His might, wise by connecting their ignorance with His wisdom.” (Signs of the Times June 23, 1881)

    “The work will be given to those who will take it, those who prize it, who weave its principles into their everyday experience. God will choose humble men who are seeking to glorify His name and advance His cause rather than to honor and advance themselves. He will raise up men who have not so much worldly wisdom, but who are connected with Him, and who will seek strength and counsel from above.” (Testimonies vol.5 pg. 461)

    I’ve heard people say that, “The Lord doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called.”

    Daniel, you may not feel qualified to do the work you are currently doing, but by God’s grace you can do it, and do it well.
    Nothing is impossible with Him!

    You are always in our prayers.


    Victor, Isabel, & Nicole Becerra and you church family at Floyd Matula’s