07. August 2015 · Comments Off on Trust… Is it important? · Categories: 2015, Lessons
What is trust? Is it important? Why?
It’s 2013 and a young man who is now a household name has just started a global debate about why privacy is important. Privacy of your computer, your phone, your data, your technology in general. The general public has since begun to rethink where they are putting their data and who they are willing to trust it to. Trust… Is it important?
Relationships. Not just romantic relationships, but any relationship, such as with your parents, siblings, friends and peers. Look at any good solid relationship, remove trust, and what do you have? A broken relationship? An enemy? Or worse?  Trust… Is it important?
Our relationship with God. How can you have a relationship with God without trust? Ok, true, you could have a hate relationship with God like some atheists I’ve met. You could fancy some kind of mutual hands off agreement kind of relationship with God, which could theoretically exist without trust. What about a true relationship with God? A relationship where you actually consider him a friend? What role does trust play in this kind of relationship? Isn’t it the same as any relationship with your family or friends? Doesn’t it still require trust?
Trust… Is it important? Is it important in the tech world? Is it important in relationships? Is it important in your relationship with God? What if you don’t have a relationship with God? Trust is one of the foundational building blocks. Use it to build or rebuild your relationship with God. Trust God. He only is worth your total trust.
Trust… It is important. It is crucial.

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