It’s again time to exercise my faith muscles more… I’ve been requested back in Kenya. Traveling is always a faith experience. It’s always step by step, seeing God open the way. It doesn’t open further than necessary. God always opens the doors at the last possible moment to increase our faith.
If we don’t move forward because there’s financial obstacles in the way, then we may never move forward. The obstacles only get bigger! If we don’t move then they actually tend to increase! When God says go it’s time to go, not a moment later. A moment later may be too late.
I just want to take the chance to say thank you to all of you who have supported me in my travels over the last few years with your prayers and finances. If you haven’t and you’d like to know how, check out the Support page.
Let’s remember that God always wants to lead up upward and yet upward in the way to heaven. If you remember Sister White’s dream, you’ll remember those thin green cords that they found. As they made their way up the narrow path, they became more and more dependent on those cords to keep from falling over the precipice. When they reached the end of the path, they had to put their entire weight on those cords which had grown large, and swing across the valley.
Let’s make sure our faith is firmly attached to God! Let’s take every opportunity now to help our faith in Him grow! When we reach the end of the path and this world is at it’s end, let’s make sure that our faith has grown large enough to support our leap across the valley of this world into eternity!