21. September 2013 · Comments Off on Run! · Categories: 2013, Devotional

He ran! With unfaltering courage. Curses poured out of his opponent’s mouth. It didn’t discourage him. Instead he ran toward his foe certain of victory.

David had never fought a giant before. He wasn’t familiar with the ways of soldiers. He was a humble shepherd. But he had learned to trust God.

When he heard the railings of the Philistine against Jehovah, he determined that it could not continue. No one else was willing to fight the giant. Goliath was imposing! 9 feet tall! His muscles rippled with strength. Israel didn’t have anyone to equal him.

David did not hesitate. He refused the kings armor. He set out across the valley without a soldier’s weapons. Without any weapon except his sling and his shepherds rod.

The giant was disappointed. Didn’t Israel have any soldiers who were willing to fight? But they sent a shepherd!! Curses poured out of his mouth. Calculated to dismay, they failed to have their desired effect. As David approached the confident Philistine tipped his helmet back exposing his forehead. Seizing the opportunity David slung a stone which found it’s target on the forehead of the giant. As soon as the giant fell, David seized his sword and severed his head, ensuring victory.

How many times do we face giants in our lives? Do we allow them to discourage us? Or like David do we run toward the giant when the circumstances seem most forbidding. Run toward the giant! It sounds crazy, but David was certain of victory. Why can’t we? God has commanded us to preach the gospel, what reason do we have to become discouraged? If God has commanded us, then we have the power to gain the victory.

Let’s run toward the giant!

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