24. June 2013 · Comments Off on Simple Trust · Categories: 2013, Mission Reports

Her quiet simple talk is convincing. Her walk with God contrasts with marked difference to most the Christians I know. She was born in Thailand, a country with a very small minority group of Christians. Yet somehow early in her life she met God, and He changed her life. Later she met her husband when he went as a missionary. Their life together is one of complete surrender and supreme faith in God.

Most Christians I know wouldn’t want to live like Rodney and Phimpa. They sacrifice for God daily. They’ve given everything they have, for His cause. To see more people come to know Him. They have nothing. When God says go somewhere, they go… without hesitation. Even if they don’t know where. Even if they don’t have money to get there. Even if it looks impossible… They go anyway. And God honors their faith time after time.

One time God told Phimpa to go somewhere to rescue someone. She didn’t have money even for the bus ticket, but she went to board the bus anyway. Before she got to the bus, someone came to her and gave her money, saying, “God told me to give this to you.” It was enough for the bus fare. Another time God directed them to another place far away to rescue another child. They didn’t have enough fuel. But they went anyway. They drove on empty for hours. They got there without running out of fuel.

Their ministry is of a special type. They rescue children that are being abused and misused. Some of the stories are heart wrenching. These kids have no other place to go, so they stay with Rodney and Phimpa. They are like parents to them. Rodney and Phimpa don’t have a nice house, they don’t live in comfort by Western standards or even Thai standards. Their kitchen doesn’t have a floor, or walls. The elephants sometimes come and make trouble… and not only them, other people also. But God has given them a work to do, and they have the faith to believe that He will provide for them even though they don’t get paid any salary or monthly wage. Their life is a life of trust. A life of faith. A life of daily dependence. On God. They simply believe that God will do what He has promised… And He does.

What if we took God at His word? What if claimed His promises and made His work first? Would there be a revolution of true Godliness? Would thousands be converted in a day? Would the salvation message go out to the whole world? Would the end then come? If we only claimed His promises as if they were real, seeking first His kingdom, I believe we would quickly have His answers to these questions. Are you willing?  Matthew 6:33

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