God’s timing is not always our timing. I wish I could say that I have my tickets and know when I’m going. But such is not the case.
I have put together the list of the equipment that we need, and at the moment I’m waiting to hear from Gary with regards to actually making the purchases. When we get the equipment then I can arrange for getting it to the ferry company, and getting my plane tickets. I hope it can happen soon… But I have to wait on God’s timing, not my own.

David Gates and Jon Wood spent the last month or so in Asia, doing several FaithCamps. FaithCamps are really taking off in Asia. At ASI in Korea a individual from Africa asked Uncle David to come to Tanzania to speak for FaithCamp there, a request that Uncle David said yes to. This will be the first FaithCamp in Africa! I believe it will be sometime in April of next year. This is something that I don’t want to miss, and I hope that our media team in Kenya will be ready to record the messages.

I’m praying that I can still go to Thailand and do some video work there with the Karen, but I’m not sure whether God is going to open that door… I pray so, and I sure hope so, but God’s will is ultimately what I want. Please pray that His will will be made plain.

Please pray for me as I plan, and seek God’s will. Please also pray for the finances for this equipment that is needed for the media center in Kenya, that God will provide. Please pray for those who will make up our team there, that God will prepare them for this work, and that He will hand select them.

Sorry this isn’t too much new news, but I wanted to at least give you an update of what I know.


1 Comment

  1. Thank you for the update Daniel. I’m very excited to think of the many people the media center in Kenya will be able to reach. We continue to pray for God’s perfect timing and provision for every need of yours. “God’s purposes know no haste and no delay!”

    It’s exciting to see God raising up an army of young (and some of us older) people to finish his work. We will pray that Jesus for “Asia” Faithcamps will kindle a fire for misssions in Africa too!!

    My God shall supply every need of yours! Promise!